Angol nyelvű


Keszeg Vilmos: À qui appartient la tradition? / Who owns the Tradition

Keszeg Vilmos: À qui appartient la tradition? / Who owns the Tradition

Quel est le rapport entre tradition et patrimonie culturel? Désignent-ils la même acception du mot c..

30 ron 31 ron

Németh Boglárka: Aspect and Stativity in Hungarian

Németh Boglárka: Aspect and Stativity in Hungarian

The research summarized in this work is grouped around two major theoretical issues: the possibility..

7 ron 8 ron

S. Béla Visky: Play and foundation. Theodicy in Contemporary Theology

S. Béla Visky: Play and foundation. Theodicy in Contemporary Theology

Learn how to suffer, and you will suffer no longer, according to a wise, centuries-old saying. But c..

45 ron

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